How To Choose a Dance Studio In 3 Easy Steps!


When you think of a dance studio, what comes to mind? The dance floor, surely. Maybe some trophies? A cubby full of dance shoes against a wall? Maybe an instructor leading a student through steps?

We all have a dream of what our dance studio might look like, and most studios will feature all these things and more. Yet beneath this cheerful appearance can lurk signs that can tell you whether the studio you’re in is worth sticking around for, or leaving immediately! There are three steps you can take to make sure you leave a new studio knowing exactly whether or not to go back.

Step 1: Ask if They Team Teach

I’ve said it time and again, team teaching is the only way to assure that you as a student are getting the highest quality service from your school. Team teaching just means that you are a student of the studio, and not just the student of a single instructor. As a new student, there is never a need for you to belong to only one instructor. At Arthur Murray we all teach off of the same syllabus, meaning that all instructors offer the same material to their students.

A studio which doesn’t team teach instead pits their instructors against each other, all trying to outdo one another for your business. This does not work. You as a customer get an inferior product. A teacher who is afraid of losing you at any moment doesn’t help you develop, he just helps you feel good in the short term.

Step 2: Look at Their Syllabus

As I said, at Arthur Murray we all use the same syllabus. If a studio doesn’t have a syllabus, then you have no way of knowing the quality or usefulness of the information you’re learning.

Beware! Not everyone who calls themselves a dance instructor know how to dance OR teach very well. At Arthur Murray we constantly train on both fronts to present the best customer experience. That’s not something every studio can say!

Step 3: Take a Lesson

Your first lesson ought to be free of charge. If it’s not, don’t bother. A free first lesson should introduce you to your instructor and their personal teaching style. It’s important to know that you can mesh well with your instructor and that you can understand their instructions.

Enjoy the experience, but take a critical look at your instructor’s communications skills and patience. If you don’t see strong signs in those two areas, move on. Dancing is fun and rewarding, but can be intense as well. You want to make sure your guide on this adventure is capable!

The question of how to choose a dance studio isn’t easy to answer. In the end the best bet is to go with your gut. With the above considerations, use your instincts to help you decide if the school you choose is right for you. And have fun!








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