4 Things to Ask Yourself Before Signing Up for Dance Lessons

Are you considering picking up a new hobby or improve your lifestyle? Is signing up for dance lessons your first thought? To discover if you’re ready to start a new adventure, consider these 4 things to ask yourself before signing up for dance lessons at your local dance studio.


Before You Sign Up for Dance Lesson, Consider This…

1: Am I Ready To Commit Some Time Just For Myself?

Dancing is fun! Once you start it, you’ll realize you really don’t want to stop. Nor should you! But be prepared to make dancing a part of your life if you intend to get the most out of this awesome investment in yourself.

Make sure you have time after class, or a reliable babysitter for the kids, transportation or whatever it is you need to make a commitment. Once you start, you’re not going to want to stop, and nothing is worse than having to stop something you love because you weren’t prepared to make the time necessary to maintain it.

2: What Are My Dancing Goals?

The answer to this question doesn’t need to be “Tango!” or anything so specific. We know a lot of people approach our dance studio with only a bit of knowledge about the dances we teach. What you should know, however, is how you’d like to feel on the dance floor. Do you want to feel elegant? Do you want to feel sexy? Masculine? Beautiful?

Do you want to be a capable social dancer who can hold their own at any party or event? Do you yearn to compete with other high-level students and test yourself in front of the judges? Do you want to attract a partner at a single’s night? Do you want to sweep your beloved off of her feet on your next date?

Knowing why you’ve come to dance will help your instructor make every lesson count.

3: Am I Ready To Get Involved With My Dance Studio?

When people think of dance lessons, often they imagine coming in for a private lesson and then leaving. That’s it. At an Arthur Murray dance studio, there’s so much more to do!

We have dance events all the time, and they’re not just competitions. We have theme parties almost every month! We celebrate holidays! We have showcases where you can try out new steps in front of your friends. We have traveling coaches who come from around the world to jump into your lessons and help you improve.

We do a lot more than just one private lesson per week at our dance studio. You should too.

4: Do I Want to Improve Myself Through Dance?

If you walk into one of our dance studios and ask ten Arthur Murray employees what makes them get up each morning and come to work, ten of them will tell you “To improve my students’ lives through dance”. It’s our most important mission statement, and our promise to every student in our dance studio.

But self-improvement is not always easy. Reducing performance anxiety takes work and bravery. Improving your fitness takes dedication and commitment. Becoming a socially capable dancer takes a lot of trial and error.

It’s so easy to say “Of course I want to improve my life”. It’s another thing to do it. I won’t promise it’ll be easy. I do promise it’ll be one of the best choices you ever make.

The answer to these questions can frame your decision making process, and help you understand more fully the wonderful adventure you’re embarking on.





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